My Home And Outher Things in My Life Like The Sex Abuse scandle That Was In SA Adelaide ( While We Were All Kids IN THE CARE Of THE SA Goverment ) Inquiry Into State Care SA Australia
Disability is Not a Scary Word
Published on August 29, 2008 By kymbrickie In Websites

Disability is Not a Scary Word by Mr. Kym. D.  May.

As I’am Also currently dealing with various mental and physical illnesses and Iam also finding it hard to fit in with society.

Why are people so afraid of these People who do have Disabilities? I Have Also lost the use off  Right Knew, Plus Broken Spine In Two Places L3 L4 L5 L6, Also I Had My Neck Brocken Plus They Had To Take Out 9/10 Of my Stomach, Plus they Had to Pin my Right Wrist At 15 Degree angle And Put A Plate  with 9 screws in Left Wrist   due to a motor bike vehicle accident in SA Then I Did not get Any HELP FROM THE SA Government They Kicked Me Out Of That State Back To WA where my Father lives So I Was UN ABLE TO GET ANY SORT OF COMPERSATION. Plus my right Knew Has Had It, Then as A Child My Mother Put Me In Boys Homes In SA At the age of 4 years and 8 Months Old Then The Sexual Abuse Started And Went On Till I was about 15 Years Of Age NOW IN SA THEY HAVE JUST HAD A COMMISION INTO SEX ABUSE AND MURDER WHILE WE WERE IN ((( SA STATE CARE ))) I WAS THE LAST ONE TO GIVE THE SA COMMISION MY STORY I WAS ABUSED ABOUT 60 TIMES THATs WHAT I CAN REMEMBER WHAT ABOUT THE OUTHER ONES THAT I CAINT REMEBER ?? I  Whish I Was Never Born as my life is  locking myself away in my home I can’t have natural LIGHT it hurts me as its part and parcel  major depression, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Anxiety and Anger Also ACD ACHD OCD Acufobour That’s why I can’t leave my house the only time I go out is to go to my Doctor Mr. Gordon. Lee. Which is every 21 days I have to have all other things done for me I don’t have ANYONE AT ALL LEFT IN MY LIFE NOW And That’s the Hardest Thing I find not to have a friend to TALK TO ( So People Don’t Take YOUR FRIENDS FOR GRANTED AS TRUE FRIENDS ARE HARD TO FIND ) My Life is One In Which You Don’t Want To Be Here Anymore If It was Not For my Two Children Given Me A Bit of Love And Support (Not Money Support )  I’am permanently Depressed and unable to LIVE A LIFE LIKE MOST OUTHER PEOPLE DO…. Due to this, I now unable to work, (Who Would Employ ME ? ) As I’am  restricted to the house. I Have lost contact with All of My Old so called ‘best mates’ as they can not relate to My New Appearance. I also have not had any teeth now for over 18 years I Get Treated Like I’am Just Something out of The Rubbish Heap I suffered from ((DRUG ABUSE FOR MOST OF MY LIFE)) But Since I Meet Dr. Gordon. Lee,  I Have been clean for over 12 Years Now Which Is The BEST THING TRUST ME Its not A Life That I Would ever Want to go BACK TO As this is My Only Way Of Dealing With Things, Major Depression, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Anxiety and Anger.

I am currently researching articles on Liver function tests, as I also Have Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E. I Have Also been told that his liver is on a edge of giving Out And As Always I Don’t Get any help.

My faith I God Is Strong Now But I Have Lost All faith in society as they consider Me a freak and mentally weak for not being able to deal with My problems as they would. Not every one is the same. Why can some not see this and simply accept people for who they are and not what they see? I Even Did 5 Years Off Full Time Charity Work, But I Had To Even Give that work Up As They went Broke I WISH PEOPLE WOULD SEE WHAT  It Is Like To Live In Me Shoes Just For A Day ???? I Wish people without Any disabilities’ All The Best In There Life BUT ITS TIME FOR PEOPLE TO START TREATING each and every one of us exactly the same With love and care.

Maybe I am more tolerant than others, but I simply don’t understand the thinking of some that would just simply shun those that suffer any form of a disability.

Maybe more needs to be done to inform society today that people who do suffer a disability of any form are still human after all.

I Love Also To REBUID OLD COMPUTERS AT HOME AND THEN GIVE THEM TO THE POOR KIDS A ROUND SYDNEY IT GIVES ME A SENCE Of That At Least I’am Still Trying And Have Not Given Up Thanks For You people For Taking The Time To Read This

All my best wishes go out to those who suffer like Me If You Need Some Help You Can E-Mail Me At

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                                                                             _______________________  Mr. Kym. May. __________________________


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